Whitby 2012

2years 190days

We had a wonderful day. The plan had been to go to Whitby Goth Weekend tomorrow. But the forecast suggested today would be a better day for the weather so we changed plans and packed up, put on our new dresses, and headed for Granny & Grandads today to go to Whitby.

It's been a fabulous afternoon, Katie was as always amazing. At first, she went in the meitai (insisted on going on my front, bless her!) and had a watch of all the stalls at the market. Eating a selection of sweets that various stall holders gave to her "because she's so adorable". After the market, she came down from the carrier and walked for the rest of the day.

We wandered through the old town, looking in another market. We stopped in a charity fundraising hall, which is where Katie won the bag which she is clutching in the photo. She then walked up every single one of the 199 steps to the Church and Abbey, walked round with Granny and Grandad as I took some photos, and then she walked down every step again. We had a walk near the harbour before we went to find somewhere for tea. We ended up in a fabulous pie and mash restaurant. She ate such a huge plate of tea, before walking up the huge hill back to the car. She was asleep before very long at all.

The blip is Katie with Granny and Grandad in their gorgeous Whitby-wear. Including Granny's swish new coat which she bought today.

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