
By TrishaR

Early Trip to the Woods in search of Bluebells

. . but they are not out yet!

With the sun shining brightly at 6.30 this morning, we got up (yes on a weekend) out to our Bluebell Wood at Ballathie. Well at the moment it's just a wood, a very beautiful one, but not a bluebell wood for about another 2-3 weeks I reckon. The birds were chirping loudly and a woodpecker was hammering loudly against a tree bark. Deer slipped quietly through the trees, hoping to escape being chased by an eager cocker spaniel no doubt. With it being frosty this morning, the grass looked like they were coated in little diamonds as the sun shone on them. It really was worth the early start.

But then Breagha had to spoil the moment by thundering back to us after rolling in the smelliest whatever it was, so bad that we had to travel back home with the windows down and us sitting with hoods up and gloves on! She was traumatised after being flung in the bath and shampooed and shampooed (there is still a whiff of whatever it was).

Sitting reminiscing at the moment watching an excellent series on the 70s. Ted Heath was getting a well deserved battering this week. I remember lights out, no power in the freezing winter of 1973 and the smell of paraffin heaters. Not a good time to have coal fires!!

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