Slow reader

My friend lent me this book well over a year ago, it is a short story of only 244 pages. I am on page 38, it is not that it is slow, boring or hard work... Quite the opposite , it is a very lovely little book written in 1942, easy on the eye and mind. I am quite simply the slowest reader ever. That is probably why I don't comment very often.
This is a story about the last gnomes in Brittain... Little people.
This is from the intro'
If you don't believe in the Little People, I would ask you to make yourself as small as possible ( which is horribly difficult ) and keep very quiet ( which is more difficult still ) and watch and wait by the streams and in the woods, as I have done. And suddenly you will understand that the birds and wild animals are the Little People! Such a simple fact, and yet we never realised it!

At this rate it will take until 2017 to finish it ... Best crack on!

On the whole it has been a crap day here -much like a lot of the country- rain, lashings of, and howling winds. Only left the house to bring the wheelie bins in, save them from flying up the street!
Tired, or is it bored?
Ni- nights

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