Noisy neighbours

Having a snoozle this afternoon when there was a racket from over the road. A few hundred sheep were moving up from fields further away to the one across the road. I popped out and took some photos of them and this is the pick of the litter.

There is a football match tonight. I am a Mancunian so I have an interest; for those unaware of what is happening............ Taggart is bringing the forces of darkness to Manchester from Trafford. I only have PMT (poor man's TV) so I'll not be watching but it'll be on the wireless. I have an online meeting at kick-off time but I can listen to both. I'm nervous. I'm sure you'll have picked up on which team I follow - the main give away is that I am from Manchester.

Let's hope for the correct result tonight - Blue Moon! CTID!

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