And All Thru My Coffee Break Time
Mum and Nant, making cold meat rolls for lunch.
I had an entertaining time watching them nit pick at each other.... Nant was telling Mum that Tooli was sitting exams today.... I was waving my fingers at my head behind Aunties head telling her that she was talking mince...
We all had lunch together, and then I disappeared for a swim, leaving them to continue on their nagging of each other. They live for nagging each other.
I dropped by with Toolibelle later on.... ( I had a wee message to give Nant, I don't pester her constantly); And she said to Tooli, "How was your exam today",
"Nant", I said, "Tooli didn't have an exam today, they don't start for 2 weeks".
At which point both of them turned around to me and said "I did" "She did". Oaft. Apparently my daughter had a pre-lim today and I hadn't a foggy about it, but her Nant did!
Bad Mother.
I apologised profusely to Nant for the finger waving earlier, and promised myself to listen more carefully to my daughter in the future, (But I'm pretty sure she never told me).
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