We Don't Have to Take Our Clothes off..

It's been a lovely day.

Check out my Cheese cakes!!

I've had visitors, I've had presents, I've been in the garden. I've spoken to both my kids. I have coloured my hair. A bit weird, but not as weird as I'd like it to be.

My "Dad" fixed my car for me. Thank you Daddy. Much appreciated.

I've had a cuddle with my man, and a good giggle, he brought me a present which brought back a lot of memories, but this time will not result in the same surprise it did the last time.

I've had a lovely curry, and a cuppa tea.

And to finish my day off, a lovely rugby player on Embarassing Bodies got his willy ultra sounded, in HD about 4 foot from my eyes... just before the lady with thrush got her bits out.

Oh My God. I need a drink.

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