All Is Good On The Northampton Front

...and Judy said late last night 'you can make me laugh tomorrow and take my mind of things'

GuLP... the pressure ,

Well first I decided we ought to win at badmington so I made a special effort not to lark about and we WON our doubles match...

And then luckily the new temporay aquarobics instructor was like a one woman stand-up comedian and most in the pool were trying not to fall (for fear of drowning) about laughing ... and then it turned out that Yoga was all deep relaxation techniques... it was if someone had arranged it all especially for her
to while away the awful time while her husband has a massive operation for bowel cancer...

Maenwhile Archie is sitting up now :))) albeit for a short time

And I made it through week two of my slighty overbooked schedule

and very shortly indeed 2 sweeties will be appearing attached to a Shy yay!!!!

I can cut off now can't I? ... yay yay yay yay yay yay yay yay


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