Curiouser and curiouser.

By karrieb85

Happy Un-Birthday to Us

Back Blip: This weekend falls between my big brother and my birthday so we generally have a joint family gathering and birthday cakes.

Saturday night was spent at a cheese and wine night at the local fire station (not a venue called the fire station but the actual one) so caught up with a load of people I've not seen in ages which was nice.

Sunday was dinner with the family and my mum all 11 of us a lovely 2 course meal and then we had cakes for pudding. These cakes were bought on the Saturday at the high school fayre. The pink ones had jam in them and my 2 year old niece was deterimined she was having 'a pinky one' and my 3 year old nephew had one of the flake ones despite my mum intending the fancy cakes for the adults!

There was quite a room full of smoke after my brother, myself and the little ones taking turns to blow out the birthday candles! It was a lovely weekend in all but was glad to get back home.

Its a strange feeling going back to my hometown and it no longer feeling like my 'home' as such. I've been a boomarang child for almost 10 years now and I'm finally feeling settled in Edinburgh which is now 'home' for me. I love my life here with K. and my friends, I'm enjoying where my flat is and all I need now is to find that great first job!

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