
By Lazio_Lad

little church on the hill

Couldn't see anything for low cloud and mist this morning However, by 12.oo it had burned off and was rapidly warming up. Set off to revisit Assissi and stopped off at the war cemetery on the way, quite a sight . Anyway, had a lovely day taking in all the sights in Assissi, although was exhausted by the end, as the heat was really up. As I was driving back up the valley the light changed to that lovely soft evening glow they get here . It only lasts about 45 minutes before it is too dark to look good. Decided photographs of Assissi would have to wait for another day for a showing. Captured one of the little churches on the hill. Every little group of houses has one. They still seem to be used for family functions but not on a daily basis. Yet again viewpoint is looking up as that seems to be how everything on the hill is naturally arranged

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