The rest of forever...

By DrMac

Death of a tennis ball...

...or four!

Ten days ago I bought Pippa three new tennis balls. After three walks they were dead. Three days ago I bought Pippa three more tennis balls. One down, two still standing.

The problem in the:

ball + play = death

equation is Lottie. Whilst Pip has a soft mouth and brings the balls back beautifully, Lottie has a vice like jaw grip and a teeth grinding issue that renders a ball knackered in about three seconds. Pip is evidently 'pipped' off as now, when Lottie gets hold of the ball, Pip just 'downs paws' and lays on the floor in disgust. Poor little poppet.

I'm thinking of covering them in peanut butter.
The tennis balls, that is.
Lottie hates it. Pip loves it!!

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