Good News

Apart from a minor problem (diverticulosis), which at least 30% of men and women over 60 have, my colon is normal. The treatment is simple -- a high-fiber diet.

The procedure was a non-event for me. The information sheet I had to read and sign said I would receive "conscious sedation", but I was out cold thirty seconds after the IV drip started. The next thing I was aware of was Cynthia's lovely smile in the recovery area. After a light lunch back at home, I went to bed and slept until 4:30 pm.

This story will no doubt be added to the many told at family gatherings when my legendary ability to sleep anywhere, and at any time, is sometimes recounted. I inherited it from Dad.

I had been looking forward to opening a bottle of something special to celebrate this evening, but alcohol, alas, is prohibited until twelve hours after the procedure. I'm not sure if I can stay awake that long.

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