Happy Hour?

Sometime between five and six o'clock, I have to start drinking a half-pint (240 ml) of this liquid every 10-15 minutes, until I've consumed at least four pints (1.9 liters). It's a polyethylene glycol-electrolyte solution, with a choice of artificial flavoring. I got cherry -- they didn't have beer. It smelled pretty bad without the flavoring, and not a lot better with it.

My pharmacist gave me the generic version of this prescription. One of the branded versions is called GoLYTELY. I'd like to talk to the person who dreamed that one up -- it's a bit like calling a hand grenade a noise-maker.

Some of you correctly guessed from yesterday's blip that I'm having a medical test. It's a colonoscopy -- a routine check prescribed every ten years for people of a certain age. This will be my second. I don't have any symptoms to indicate any problems. I'm sorry I didn't make that clear. Thank you for your concern.

Why do I keep thinking of the Dylan Thomas poem Do not go gentle into that good night?

Bottoms up!

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