500 - a cracker of a party!

My 500th blip coincided with a a bit of a morning tea at work. Somehow we had gathered a large number of packets of cracker biscuits so today everyone was invited to bring along their favourite topping. A great idea (thanks Sue!)

The pate was divine, the cheeses delish and everyone had a bit of a laugh, which is a good thing to do on a Thursday.

500 blips with no gaps? I am pretty pleased with my efforts. Thanks to those who pass by regularly and to those who pop up now and again. Your comments, observations and support are appreciated.

This community has been a great support in these 18 months of uncertainty and anxiety during the 10,000+ earthquakes we have experienced. To those who are here and have lived through it, I salute your resilience, your efforts in recording what is happening and your feelings. I wish all the best as we rebuild our homes, our cities, our lives and I hope we hang onto the good things that have emerged - community spirit and support. To those of you not living in Christchurch, thanks for your words of love and encouragement.

I will allow myself 5 favs on my 500th:
100 blips!
A photo of mine on the wall!
My favourite kind of flower blip - a close up
Family (now I just need Zane, Abby and Anton to let me blip them)
The Mag-Star

Happy days everyone!

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