Life of a bubble maker

By redditchrascal

Bunny Rabbits

Went to the Spire Murryfield Hospital today to see a knee specialist.

After a bit of prodding and poking he concluded that I should have an MRI scan on my knees as he was not sure what was going on but suspected that it was wear and tear due to me now being over 40.

Great, I could have concluded that I'm falling apart due to my age and theres not a lot that can be done about it. Never mind it was sunny and I got out of work early.

I remembered from my previous visits that there are lots of bunnies on the bank where you park your car. Getting there a bit early, shouldn't have bothered as the consultant was running 20 minutes late, I had a sandwich near to where this chap or chapess was sunning themselves.

As I go a bit closer they hopped off down their warren just in front of them.

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