
We have a large hole in the garden, about 6ft square and 5 ft deep, with a little rubble in it.. The builders tell me it is a soakaway, we were hoping it might be a swimming pool..

Anyway there is alot of rain here, the river at the bottom of the garden, usually a nice little stream, has become a boiling raging monster and has risen at least 3ft to the point of coming into the garden... Alf and I went for a wander around the garden to check the chickens and look at the river, on the way back we noticed that the soakaway hole was fill of water, and perched onto of the only brick above water level was this very soggy, sorry looking hedgehog..

We grabbed a fishing net and with some help from Poppy fished the poor little blighter out and gave him some cat food.. I think he is alright..

More hedgehog here, here, and here..


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