Just Dance (yet again)

A very exciting day today as I spent my first afternoon in Red (reception) Class as a voluntary helper. I had stayed behind yesterday to find out what I would be doing as I wanted to be useful and have something specific to do rather than just be a spare body. So I had small groups to do painting - we were mixing colours and making flowers to go on a wall display.

I thoroughly enjoyed myself! We got paint everywhere and very few of the flowers looked like the pictures we were looking at. But I think they enjoyed it and they seemed to get the point of what we were doing! My Red did ok - we'll give it a couple more goes but we are confident he will soon conform... I however will be going back tomorrow afternoon when Ben is home to look after Red.

It's been a long week this week and the children have done well, so I let them break the "No Wii after tea" rule tonight. They do make me laugh when they play 'Just Dance'. It was worth getting the Wii for that alone!

I think tomorrow is the 730 milestone blip. I hope nobody is expecting much. After all I have a morning of swimming with my Red and an afternoon of painting in Red Class to get through!

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