A place in time

By Verbosa

My cup runneth over

Another drabbin' awful day - wet, dull and quite cool.

Mind you, on the plus side - the air was really fresh & clean, and the persistent drizzle created wonderful blip-ortunities...water droplets on the washing line (a very close second choice today as I'd even caught droplets on the spider's web on the line too after I'd tried out my "macro" setting on my camera for the first time) or the neighbour's cat Molly looking severely unimpressed as she peered over the top of her box on the bench (nearly went with this one for the "fluffy-cat-appreciating" vote)...

But no, in the end, the snap for today was my dear old bird bath (yet again!) for no other reason than that I liked the shot, with the great reflections, the very green "greenery" around it plus the one small burst of colour with the flower on my young lilac bush right behind.

Chin up my friends - it is very nearly F-R-I-D-A-Y (or Yay!-Day).

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