
By Juleshki

Who's a pretty boy?

Pretty boy?

Moulting profusely at the moment onto cushions, chairs, carpets, visitors, me, anything black?
Yep, looks like it.

The warmer weather (what warmer weather, I hear you say...?) will soon have Jakey in his smooth, sleek, lightweight summer coat.

When I say the warmer weather, I mean the warmer weather that we might get now that we are into May...?

Now, come on, a little bit of optimism and hope never did anyone any harm, did it? So let's be optimistic about this, yes?

So many question marks.
Clearly an indication of optimism if ever there was one. And when it comes to the weather, all we can do is hope.

The vast majority of this wittering on stems mainly from having booked a holiday in this country just yesterday and so I am now overly preoccupied with the long term weather forecast. I'll believe anything anyone's willing to tell me on that score...!

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