As Told By Ginger

By 9to12


What an awesome day.

We performed at a high school this morning that was two and a half hours away from the hotel. We watched Step Up on the way there. We went to King's Dominion afterwards. It was a little drizzly but nothing too bad. I stayed with Theresa, Kate, Elaina, Brian, and Brandon all morning. We rode Shockwave first and then all of the wooden roller coasters twice. After lunch I threw caution into the wind and rode the Dominator with a new group. It. Was. Awesome! Then we rode the Intimidator, the biggest ride in the park. I went front row with Grace on my third ride. After some gross Chick-Fil-A for dinner, we grabbed Meesta Walta and he rode the Dominator twice with us. Then he rode Volcano with us later and that was probably my favorite ride of the day.

Oh, and 600!!!! I love blip and there isn't much more that I can say about that right now.

Word of the Day: Littoral - Pertaining to the shore of a lake, sea, or ocean

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