The Ducks know the Date
Time: 0857 NZST
Place: Southern (township) end of Lake Wanaka
Present: Me and The Boss and a cast of quackers
So...The Duck hunting season gets underway at midnight tonight and there is no doubt that the ducks know something about this. Here we were pondering the landscape, as you do on a frosty morning. Just me and The Boss, who was leaning against a tree to steady his camera as he prepared to shot a pana of the morning.
There was this funny sound and out of the South came this huge flock of quackers..quacking. The sky darkened and in an action reminiscent of Alfred Hitchcock's "The Birds" ( I have never really bothered to bark at birds) they went past us at a quacking pace, accompanied by the sound of The Boss's camera clacking with multiply shooting. What a cracker moment!
Ok Ok Ok I know but I am not one to miss such an opportunity. Sorry. (not)
During the first days of the hunting season the duck population on the lake rises. It just does. So does this mean that in years to come we may be faced with a permanent change of behaviour by our feathered friends or are we just out for a DUCK. ( Dog Philosophy)
AND a huge thanks everyone who helped propel "Quiet Time" into the spotlight. The Boss has been taking pictures for a very long time (old dog syndrome) and the support and generosity of Blip folk just continue to blow him away. You are a wonderful lot. Thank you seems inadequate but Thank You! AND 5 barks to the lot of you!
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