Flea in the middle

Flea came along with me to our German office today as she had no school. Littlest took the dog and went to play with a friend, which was better than listening to boring grown up conversations about the best way to deal with our server problems......

The building our office is in used to be the >insert military type word< house (that's the pacifist word for it) of the French soldiers when they were still in this part of Germany. The little alcoves are where they propped their guns/rifles/things wot go bang and kill people before they went into their bedrooms (I'm sure there's some manly-military type word for bedroom too). Each corridor has five big rooms, one little one (in this corridor the little one is our office), a kitchen and a toilet. Some of the corridors are rented out to students but we also have a cafe and help point for homeless people, an art house cinema, a pizzeria, a bar, a gym, a spanish school, a book publisher, Die Linke (the socialist party).....there's also a little shop selling organic products and a karate studio (which emits funny noises all day). So, it's a really great mix - lots of people think it's "unbearable" but I love it.

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