Living in Manchester

By Theboysmum

Friday flowers

It is a bit worrying that I have been blipping hedges for two days in a row.
I may get a reputation as a lurcker if I keep ducking down into and peering over hedges.!!

Today Gorgeous Fella has been off work and has been even more gorgeous and considerate than ever!

He got up early and text me to make sure I did not oversleep!!
He came over on his new motorcycle and gave me a lift to work.
He also brought his strimmer with him to do my lawn (not an easy task on a motorcycle as I am sure you will agree!!)
He bought me a lawn edger thing while I was at work.
He picked me up from work and brought me home.
He complimented my cooking and ate it all up.
As I blip he is strimming my lawn and when I go out to a meeting at 8pm he is going to wash up!!!
He is a lovely, lovely man.

As for the others..
Lovely girlfriend is working.
#2boy is working.
#3boy is catching up on xbox time as I took it off him during the week due to a detention issue. (I am a cruel parent!!)

Tomorrow we will be mainly gardening.

Have a lovely weekend.
I will try to catch up with my commenting tomorrow.

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