Eco Dad +

By EcoDad

Golden Wonder Man

This is Tony, a very important man today as he looks after the potato and onions orders for our allotments. Popped over to his fine plot for a blether and hand in my order for next year's seed potatoes and onion sets.

Managed to get up early to get the garlic planted, had some extract bulbs that I gave to Tony for his plot.

Pleasant surprise this morning when I arrived as the long talked about greenhouse had arrived. This is was close on a Last of the Summer Wine plot, but Stuart and Tony came true to their word and I have a 8X6 greenhouse, form another plot who has a larger one now. Wish I had been here to see it as they have moved the frame as a oner.(Glass safely stored in a shed.)

Picked some rosehips and have made a rosehip and hawthorn and crab apple jelly, smells great.

Beautiful day today, it is great Eco daughter and Eco neighbour are playing football in the street. Just heading out to get Eco son's new bike.

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