Indoor day

Rain, rain, rain, but that's OK - it's Sunday and it's good to have an indoor day. I blipped the view from the kitchen window. There are several plants entwined together in what has become a hedge. The fence is in there somewhere. The plants include honeysuckle, ivy, blackberry, climbing rose and a few others I haven't identified.

F and I did venture out to get some DIY stuff. We have visitors next weekend and it's the first time they'll have seen the flat. So we had a look in horror at the stuff that's falling apart and decided to purchase a blind to disguise the worst bit above the kitchen window, and I've resumed the painting of the hallway. We also bought a sparkly star lampshade for the naked hallway light and a rug for the guinea-pig cage to sit on. As the weather turns colder, the cage cools down because it's on a bare concrete floor, but no longer - it's now on a warm rug. I know, they're spoilt, but I had Big Sid shivering on my lap last night for a full five minutes before he warmed up and settled down. Brrrr.

A good wild rodent day today - I saw a rat and a squirrel within a metre of each other on the way home. Not everyone's favourite rodents, but hey.

It's back to computer-free Monday tomorrow so the next instalment of rodents... will be on Tuesday with a Monday back-blip.

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