A Mountain Lake

Ishingthibi Lake located at Heirok, Thoubal District. Trip there from morning with Bapin, Talabi, Laizing, Amu, Harmen, Deepak, Sunil, Boinao, James etc. Trekking mostly covered by vehicle deep within the river basin upto wherever motorable or unmotorable and then continue on foot upto the hills beyond which lies this beautiful and scenic virgin natural lake locally known as ISHINGTHINGBI (literally meaning blocking the waters). It was discovered lately and locals always put some bane in tresspassing there for fear of polluting the area by tourists and sightseers. However, it was opened to public lately and has become one interesting hot spot for trekking.

It was bright sunlight while we began the ascending. However, abrupt heavy rains caught some of us off-guard in the steep hill sides. Shoot a lot of rain-shots of the lake by going all round it under an umbrella. Gather firewoods and cook our food camp style. Rice, chicken curry, stew of dried fish+spring onion+potato+coriander, boiled carrots+torbot, fish roasted and half-backed with turmeric leaves covered in plantain leaves, and local liquor+wine are the main menu for today. Serve hot in banana leaves (plantain) near the waters. Some of us drink the natural waters raw!

Post-monsoon visit may reap a plentiful of waters in this picturesque spot.

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