Vive la Vie

By gillybxl

Sunday socialising

Today has been action packed for Miss O and Mummy. It started with a double swimming lesson as D was sick again in the night - really weird as he was sick at 1.45am which is exactly the same time that he was sick last Saturday night. He was totally fine through the day and ate as normal (which is terrible as he is very fussy now) which is why it came as a shock. He was absolutely fine when he woke up and insisted on eating four weetabix! However, we thought it best not to take him swimming as vomit in the pool would have been a bit awkward to explain!

From there we raced to a birthday party. Theo is in O's class at school and is almost blind and it's just a matter of time before he becomes completely blind. He was allowed to choose a few friends from school to help him celebrate his birthday and O was invited. Apparently she is really kind to him at school and has been taught how she must announce who she is when ever she approaches Theo. She holds his hand when she sits next to him at story time, she understands the use of braille and often comes home with her name written in braille and she also helps him with his 'roller' (which is a frame that he sometimes uses to walk), or actually Theo lets her use his roller which she loves! The party was fantastic with well thought out party games, proper party food (hence the jelly blip) and general all round fun. Theo is such an amazing little boy and we're so proud that O is one of his friends.

From there Daddy and D picked us up and we raced to a BBQ hosted by friends which was also great fun as there were loads of kids of similar age to my two so they entertained each other while we adults got to chat.

Admittedly it was a struggle to keep them both awake on the way home but we somehow managed it and now for some well deserved rest, but not before I've done my blip of course!

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