A Little Bit Of Fun

By alittlebitoffun

I hate this job!

Pressure washing our patio takes HOURS. I think I hate it cos I'm always thinking about other jobs I could be doing and can't get round to until this one is done. It's a boys job really! Col doesn't mind so much. I planted out our veggies made dinner and did other housework in the time it took to do this. It's done now so weather permitting I can now plant my bedding plants in the pots (I have lots of pots!)

So another productive day. Surprised we had the energy as we went to body combat this morning and body pump! My two favourite instructors took combat. What a carry on! Great fun and really got my heart pumping.

Off all next week so have loads more other jobs to do. Will meet a friend in Glasgow for lunch tomorrow though so chill time too!

Happy Sunday blip friends!

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