A Plumbers Wife!

By hebsjournal

Preparation is everything

Its our school Open Evening on Thursday - so everything this week is about preparation. Today that meant going to work, then driving back home to pick up my camera gear then going back to work, teaching, Senior team meeting, and then stupid parents (wait for it ....I'll tell you in a minute).

Anyway, after getting home at 6.30, cooking a delicious spaggy bol, I have sat in front of my computer since 7.30 doing flyers and brochures and stuff - should have taken less time but my computer is being somewhat of an idiot. Am shortly going to back everything up onto my spare hard disk just in case.

Have run out of time for photos - so this is one of our new science labs (had four of them fully refurbished in the summer term and I have to say that they look the Dogs B****cks!)

As for stupid parents...

Sat in my car, rolling a fag (don't anyone start on me about that one!) and there was a PARENT playing football in the school car park with two of his kids. He hit one car - the fella in it said something but nobody seemed to give a toss. Then the bloody parent kicked the ball with the grace and skill of a pissed elephant on rollerskates, and it hit my car. Yes I did get out and POLITELY ask him to take his children and play football elsewhere (how about the M66 motorway sir - thats a large open space - don't fret too much about the large speeding wagons!) - I almost lost my temper when he asked me "who the hell are you". When I responded that I was a senior member of staff at the school he was suddenly contrite (although I think the threat to contact the Security Services that we use on site to remove 'ne'er-do-wells was more of a threat than puny little me!)

Am off for a bath, so that Corin can tell me all about Texas Chainsaw Massacre which he watched whilst I was busy working!

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