Tussock Tales

By TussockTales

Not now... I have a headache!

Ok Ok The good news is that I AM OK! Thank you for all the good wishes and virtual cheese flavoured get well Cup Cakes. What a great bunch of folk you all are and here's 5 barks for everyone.
Wheees, Worgg, Ruffe, Whoop, Woaf.
Well the thought was there.
The Bad news is that I have Bronchitis. Can dogs get this?? I suppose so Cos that's what C (the vet lady) says after giving me 5 glasses of local red to distract me and poking a telescope down my throat.
Acctwuallly I donnnt twink I reber much aboiut thus.
The REALLY good news is that I am on a course of Aunty's Biotics TWICE a day with CHEESE!
Wow hoo! As my friend Homer would have said.

But I can't do drugs and drive.

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