The Last of the Summer Wine

Wall to wall. That is what The Boss told The Bossess in his morning text and it was indeed. Oh for the uneducated that means wall to wall blue. The sun is shining and there are no clouds....OK? ...Right.
It was cool and therefore woolly hat time. The Boss has a really cool...err. No it keeps his head warm not cool...OK?...Oh my where wa...OH yes this NICE woolly hat has a visor thing so The Boss can see with the winter sun really low which is kinda handy for a bloke that keeps taking all those pictures and so it was this morning.

A mate came past on the track and asked "What are you doing with those canoes, and why is your dog tied to a log"
I thought I was really pleased that he had asked that but The Boss said
" Making a picture"
The mate knew all about The Boss's obsession so just said "Oh" and walked on, taking his brown Lab with him. He was no doubt worried that someone from the Edgewater would notice and come out to offer me Hot Chocolate to stop rearranging them into a better composition but no one did. You can't get good staff these days.

OI!!! What about ME I texted. I do this with my tail at what is, I agree, a very low data rate but he now had his back to me and didn't receive. The Lab made a single bombing run and lost interest too, well we knew each other so he would...wouldn't he. I think I need an upgrade. The Boss thought I needed a bigger log.

After all this excitement The Boss visited my sister "PI", about a year older and 2 kg lighter and was admonished by her owner for not bringing ME. The Boss thought it was just as well as they had another Wheaten called "Blue" boarding with them and he thought that 3 of us in the house together might have been a bad idea or at best a terrible distraction for what he was there for. I had zzzz's in the sun instead.

Row row row your boat.....

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