Life with our boys

By Lifewithourboys

Talking Smack

Carter had his second game of the baseball season tonight. It was the perfect night for a game since the weather was just felt like a night you should be playing baseball. Each time up to bat Carter nailed the ball over the in fielders heads and into the outfield. Naturally as parents we were beaming and very proud. Now if only we could get him to put more effort into the other parts of the game like when he should be running after balls being hit towards him. Ha ha...we'll get there.

I admit this is not a great shot but it was a funny point during the game where Carter was standing on 2nd base. You can see how Carter towers over these two other boys from the opposing team. We all were laughing because from our perspective these two little guys looked like they were Talking Smack to Carter the entire time he was on the base. At one point they were poking at him as if they were harassing him. It was hilarious since Carter looks like the Jolly Green Giant next to them and could squash them if he really wanted.

Well at this age EVERYONE WINS THE GAME so I can't claim a victory but I will say we played one heck of a game! Go OC Dug Outs!

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