AliBee76's Project 365

By alibee76

129/366 - Found

Well I was supposed to be in work today, but one of the boys was poorly so I took an impromptu holiday to look after him. Poor thing had sickness and a fever and had not slept a week..... cue me not sleeping a wink as I was worried about him (I am such a worry wart!!). So we both relaxed and watched a couple of films (HP the last one and The Lost Boys), after me dosing him up and also checking that he was okay.

Today's challenge was for "Found". Quite apt as I had found this necklace tucked away at the back of one of my draws. Last year my Grandma passed away, it was a blessing as she was quite poorly and her quality of life wasn't that great. I hadn't really had a fantastic bond with her over the past few years, as she did a lot of things that I didn't understand. However, when all is said and done she was my Grandma. She loved it when I took madam to go and see her when she was nearly a year old, and loved the photos I used to send through to her to update her on how she was progressing. Anyway - the story behind the photo. This is a necklace that she gave to madam not long after she was born. It was far too big for her then - however, given madam is now 4 and is being baptised soon, it is quite a stroke of luck I found it as it will be the perfect for the occassion. Here is the <a href="">box</a> the necklace came in very vintage.

Read this quote by Victor Hugo and thought it was quite pertinent:

The greatest happiness of life is the conviction that we are loved
loved for ourselves, or rather, loved in spite of ourselves.

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