There and back again

By Mikes

Another life saved?

I have had a very pleasant day out today with daughter No2 in line. She had an appointment in Exeter for midday at the hospital, so we went in early and mooched around PC World, me looking at the new ipad, of which she already has one through her work, and she telling me I had to wait for fathers day??

We were then very naughty and went to KFC for a chicken burger and chips!!!

These appointments have been taking place since she was about 3 and then it was a 70 mile trip to Bristol before or after which we used to go for a meal and she would usually get a new coat or dress. So they are a bit special in the family.

Now its just down the road for a check up every couple of years and all is well and I no longer buy her meal and she usually buys mine but it is an occasion we both enjoy as some special time together.

The helicopter ? That was just taking off for outside of A&E as we drove out!

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