There and back again

By Mikes

Yes there is someone there!!

Blip in two parts today.
We are in the market for a new electric oven as the one we have keeps switching itself off without warning (Lots of late meals). Mrs M as been asking to be taken to a local store specializing in said machines where(I have been told) they are very pricy!!!. This morning I gave in and I was not to be disappointed in that matter BUT the showroom was like something from Startreck. They would not have been out of place at the Science Museum, we both staggered out gobsmacked.
YES we are still looking!!.

After lunch and watching Bargain Hunt it was my turn to take Jinxy out. The weather was foul. Rain, thick mist and wind so it didn't really matter where we went. As we felt our way around, from tree to tree I thought I spied a fellow dog walker and whipped out my trusty little LX3 and took his/her picture.

I cant see anyone you say. Well look VERY CLOSELY, I will say this only once, just near the trig point is my companion in the mist and his dog. Oh come on, do try to see them.!!

I was sure he was heading back to the car park and would guide me there but no off he went leaving us there.

Jinxy enjoyed his extended walk and the good lady nearly called the emergency services but had to wait until "Escape to the Country had finished.
Back safe and sound with just the one picture was no compensation. Silly old day

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