My word - that's blue up there!!!

I do love seeing blue skies, especially with clouds :) White fluffy clouds that is, not the grey ones that cover all the good blue stuff up.

Anyway, today I have done much of absolutely nothing. Not entirely true, I have done laundry, written a couple of letters, a spot of ironing and caught up on all the episodes of Touch & Alcatraz that I haven't had the time to watch since Sky+-ing them. It felt nice having a lazy day, truth be told, I am that tired, I don't think I could have managed to do much more.

One of the more delightful things to get when you suffer from RA is fatigue, which is what you suffer from if you over do it. As I've had quite the busy weekend with Arwen (woods, beach etc), I'm guilty of "over-doing" it. My head doesn't think it has as I refuse point blank to let this bloody condition/disease/ affliction stop me fro doing the things I have always done and still want to do. So, to stick 2 fingers up at my body, I've said yes to Josie when she offered to buy me a Lost Prophets gig ticket. There, that will teach it :D

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