As Told By Ginger

By 9to12

Carmina Burana

I woke up for Driver's Ed this morning still feeling sick. I went to math first period and decided that it'd be better if I went home. I went to the doctor at 10:00 and he said I have a sinus infection. Now I'm on 14 days of antibiotics... On the bright side, I was super productive while I was home. I took a whole euro practice test and did pretty well on it. I studied a lot for this test and I'm starting to feel a littler better about it. I went to MYO tonight and had a blast. Next week is the last rehearsal for the year and I'm a little upset about that. Our concert is next Saturday at the one and only Carnegie Hall! I'm pumped.

This is my thumb after two and a half hours of playing the cello.

Word of the Day: Pother - A heated discussion, debate, or argument; fuss; to-do

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