This Too Will Vanish...

By etherghost

Today we woke up early again to another cool crisp spring like morning. We started cleaning up the kitchen and making places for all the wonderful kitchen gadgets that Jennifer so kindly gave me while I was away. My Mom called and said she was near some fried pies and did we want some... Oh yes! We wanted some. I had lemon, Stewart had peach, my mom had black berry and we split a strawberry. Very very good... We had a good visit with my Mom. It was the first time I had seen her since I returned.

Then we went to a store to buy some things I needed later in the day and guess what I found!?!? I found some Belhaven Scottish Ale! So even later in the day, I called up my friend Bill and invited him over for some snacks and drinks on my deck. Perfect deck sitting weather. We talked about politics...

It was a lovely day. A little productive, I little consumerish, and little friend activity.

This is the secret seahorse!

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