This Too Will Vanish...

By etherghost

Today we got up and got some things done. We made a repair that needed making and I am very pleased with the result. We made an important call and we ordered supplies for our upcoming exhibition.

I cut Stewart's hair and then we made plans to head up to Bentonville where we picked up our last exhibition that had been on since March. We got to see our dear friend and patron Sharon, as she was kind enough to let us in the office where our work was being stored. We filled up my car with the work and then headed on to Crystal Bridges American Museum of Art. It was a beautiful, sunny but cool day and the skies were blue. We enjoyed the wildflowers, the art and took a little walk as well. We also saw our friends Dave, Cindy, and Melissa at the museum. It was a good day out. Then I cooked a great dinner and we took a walk in search of magnolia blossoms that were low enough to smell. I went to sleep early.

This is the museum.

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