Between fen and mountains

By Tickytocky


This was a quiet morning blip before it all kicked off. The last monster pan I blipped was an omelette Pascale. The local market often has a paella pan and a pan of boles de picolat, which is basically meat balls in a tomato and olive sauce.

Then I got a phone call from Mrs TT who had broken down on a bend on a narrow section of the main road to Andorra in the old banger we share with a couple of other parties. It was quite dangerous where she had been forced to stop with a burnt out clutch. A friend tried to tow me away but the the towing bracket broke away. Eventually we secured a tow rope through the engine bay and he towed me off the mountain with no engine braking and the brakes on all the way. Five minutes later as we arrived in the village, I discovered that I had no brakes at all travelling at 40kph three metres off my friend's bumper. Hooting, waving and judicious use of the handbrake brought us to a safe stop. Now the chassis has given way and the wheel alignment is out. At least, the brakes did not fail on the downhill stretch or I might not be typing this now! The car will now is only fit for scrap.

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