The Daily Mynci

By Funkymynci

Wild Chives

After getting to bed at 3am, and then up for a treacly black coffee at 7:30, followed by the school run then 5 hours painting the house (rain forecast tomorrow) and then a trip to the supermarket to buy more of the coffee drug and then the school run again, I sat on the couch and nearly fell asleep in my own dribble. Thankfully I came to and walked the dog zombie-like up Alva Glen in the sunshine. As you get into the glen it's alive with lime green spring leaves and the garlicky smell of wild chives. This is one of the things I love about spring - the wild chives. I've never photographed them before, but I got a lensbaby macro kit for my birthday that's been itching for spring. It's not a very creative photo, but it's a beautiful flower. Scratch the screen and you'll smell it too...

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