Life with K.C.


There you are...

Rosie on top of the bookcase in the office where we have a bed for her. Such a peaceful place to be...

I worked today. Two arriving & two departing... Made a difference to one old gentleman's life. Left me with a tear.

I realised today that Pink Twin is a 'free reader' which means she's no longer doing reading scheme & can choose any book to read at school. So very proud. My first baby to be an official 'free reader'! We think Blue Twin maybe dyslexic like Big Daughter. May not be but seems to be having traits. Was told today by teacher in a jokey way that he was lazy, suppose it could be that or the fact that he is a boy or the fact that he is left-handed but actually maybe his brain is different to a non-dyslexic's. Bit young for testing so we'll look at it next October.....

Oh and look our banana tree is growing already! Check out my new journal! Wrong link yesterday!

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