Country File

By marypot

Community Centre

I am a trustee of a charity that is responsible for our local community centre. It was originally a rural Board School (at which my Dad was a pupil in the 1930s!) and then became a field study centre before being bought by a new community association in the 1970s. My Mam and Dad used to be on the committee and with a few other locals they ran all sorts of events there such as Bingo nights, free Chirstmas suppers for pensioners and parties for Children as well as a Youth Club and the fabulous annual bonfire and firework display that would never be allowed these days under the current health and safety regulations but was a hoot back then. It was wonderful to have such a centre in our community - it really is in the middle of nowhere!

Sadly over the years the centre became so dilapidated that it was unsuitable for such events to happen anymore, and the committee began to dwindle due to ill health and their advancing years.

However, a couple of years ago some of the original committee got back together and joined with some others to redevelop the centre. I was asked to join them to help with ideas for children's events and to be a link to the schools. After an awful lot of hard work by the chairman, funding was secured to renovate the building. Work is almost complete and we held a committee meeting there tonight. The place looks AMAZING! It should be up and running in time for a few events this side of Christmas an already and arts group and a table tennis club are interested in hiring it regularly.

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