Apples and Oranges

By Anitsirk

The road

I've signed myself up for a race. Well, not to run, but to walk for 5 km. It's a great carrot, as we say in Sweden, kind of something to get 'the donkey' (=me) outside and exercise. I really don't want to come huffing and puffing amongst all the others in the race! :D
And, exercise is also the best way to recover from the stress-related disease that I have. So, this is the road I'm walking along. Not the most fun in the world, but it serves its purpose. I also have a thingy that counts my steps, and the amount of km I'm walking - although its counting is a bit strange sometimes. Today I used my sunglasses for the first time, and even if I look a bit like a dragonfly the protection is really nice! :)

I'm also thinking of changing the name of my journal. Mikeder suggested Apple core, which is a great suggestion. But, since my blip isn't only about the apple tree, and not only photos from my iPhone, I thought of 'Apples and oranges'. :)

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