Apples and Oranges

By Anitsirk

Spring time!

Took a walk during the afternoon, in the woods. Nice to be outside, sun shining and a bit of a breeze.
The breeze always happens when I take my macro lens for a walk... it can be no wind at all and then when I decide to take the macro with me, well... then there's suddenly a wind blowing! 8 out of 10 times!! And, today was no exception. I'm sure I'm not alone laying on the ground in some not so comfortable position trying to keep something sharp while waiting for the wind to make a brief pause and then quickly squeeze the trigger hoping the moment doesn't go away until that 'click' is heard. Sometime it does and sometimes it doesn't.
When I took this photo, half lying on the ground with my butt sticking up (you know that fab position when you started on all four and then see something interesting a bit further away and you just move the upper body a bit... lowering your face to the ground and the butt is still in the air...?) then a jogger passed me by on the path a few meters from where I was. I'd totally forgot about every possibility that another person could come by... Oh, well... next time he wont be surprised to see someone in a strange position with a camera in front of the face...

I've been asked to participate in a macro tutorial book with one or both of my photos on 1x and I'm thinking of doing it. The photos are several years old, but I think I remember most of the things required in the information text. I have no idea if every photo sent in is going to be in the book, but I can try at least. :)

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