Chaos and Calm

By KatKatzenjammer

No idea

Bit of a lost day, really.
Very off balance due to the business with my ear yesterday.
Worrying about my mother ahead of further test results tomorrow to work out exactly what sort of cancer is filling her liver.
General fretting about everything.

But I managed to sit in the park across the road from Master Five Year Old's school for a little while before pick-up. Very nice day. I relaxed a little.

Relaxation doesn't last long for me though. MFYO was less than darling this afternoon. I have had my phone constantly buzzing and beeping all evening about work tomorrow night with JOSH PYKE again tomorrow night (damn management teams!!! I KNOW THE PROTOCOL!!!). I have training in the morning tomorrow, then need to make sure every possible errand that can be run is ran because I am busy until Thursday next week.

AAAAAND, all the plans for the 1950s Rockabilly party for my 25th have been set in stone. Catering is organised. The bands are ready. And I am wondering what the hell I have managed to get myself into - I'm also doing a set to open the night. Eeek. Whenever I do a gig, nobody knows about it until AFTER it has happened. I have issues with performing for people I know. Bring on the bubbly, I think.

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