
By cowgirl


Despite the rain, I've had a nice day. The fridge was empty as we'd both been away for the weekend and Sav's in Newton Abbott this week so I hadn't bothered to stock it up again, so I had a rost round Tesco so's we can eat something this weekend.

Then had a bit of a mission trying to find a diary. I didn't want to pay £7 - £10 for one as they were asking in WHSmiths ( call me a cheapskate but I feel as we're almost half way thru the year there should be some kind of reduction in price! ). Found an independant retailer who was selling his diaries off at £1.25 for just the size I wanted, so he got my business!

Then picked my friend Mo up and we went to Pickleberry's for lunch.

Back home I've made bread and some soup for dinner, done some laundry and cleaned downstairs ( I'm not sure who brings in the most mud, me or the cats! ). Now I'm sitting here with the laptop and a box of tissues - watching Planet Earth Live and there's not one article I haven't shed a tear at!

For want of a subject on this damp day, I asked Jenny if she could take a few minutes out of her busy schedule to pose for me. I got this shot as she assessed the camera for edibility!

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