2nd Home

When going to bed last night I got a message that Dad had been admitted to the hospital with fluid on a lung.

It never rains but it pours.

Woken up twice during the night with my phone going off ....... both times it was 'missed call' notifications from about 8 hours earlier.

Didn't make for a good nights sleep that is for sure.

Got up and went and (more or less) replicated last nights shot.

The drain man arrived first thing and cleared the blockage ................. didn't do anything for my extremely sore black and blue toe though.

Dad has now been tranfered back to the carehome - he must be so confused.
Mum was dragged off by the Occupational Therapist to assess her abilities in the kitchen as the first step to being released back home.

Tonight I hope I can get a decent sleep.

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