Through Jo's Lens

By Jo8lens

I have had a nice, easy day today. I walked the two younger sons to school and then, after doing some housework, I got my guitar out and practised....I've not touched the guitar in quite a while so was pleased to discover than I could reel off a few tunes that sounded half-way decent.

I popped into the next town to deliver some pens to a girl who I'd met at a GP surgery last week. I have a couple of pens that look like syringes and people always ask where they can get them so I've been selling some. They're going like hot cakes. I can't keep up with demand. See the pens here.. Mind you, one patient did call me a psycho when he spotted my syringe pen which is red so it looks like blood!!

I spent the afternoon doing yet more housework and then collecting the boys from school....why does it always rain at exactly 3.25pm? I had a laugh with one of the other Mums by asking her where the table was as her umbrella was so HUGE!!

By 6pm I was getting all excited because a friend from the fat club was going to call so that I could go to a really good zumba class she'd discovered in the next town. (The one I used to go to at the boys school no longer runs). My friend did call around but only to say that the lady who runs the class has had a bereavement and the class might not be taking was a drag to go all that way if the class wasn't on so we compromised and attended another class which was nearer...not zumba but aerobics. Good fun though. My friend gave me a lift too which was nice because it's usually me who is taxi-ing everyone around. Thanks Wendy!

I am so shattered that I now need my bed urgently. These are lights I have around the bedstead. I don't think I'll be winning any photography awards with this one....goodnight!

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