Hanging on.........

Day three of dampness.
A smidgen of hope to the north this morning and decided the washing would be hung out. I then went out for the morning and the rain came back and its been dribbling of and on all day.
A very pleasant morning spent with ladies from our rural district, originally called a spinning group, but not too many spinning wheels these day.....more spinning a yarn of the verbal kind. This group has been going something like twenty or so years and we enjoy a special and precious friendship.

Very necessary grocery shopping this afternoon, how I detest that chore. Did a slight detour through our Botanical Gardens on the way home, and was pleasantly surprised how many leaves are hanging on. Today they were looking decidedly damp in the drizzle but the colours were strong and saturated.

It's possiblyy worth a look large to see the texture of the trunk~

Sweetbreads for dinner tonight.....some of you will be saying "yuk" but we love them and are rather a delicacy these days.

Friday evening and the weekend to enjoy. My busy week is over for another month.

All the best blippers, enjoy whatever you may have planned.


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