This is intentionally quite a dark one - with a glimmer of hope.
For me photography is amazingly versatile. You can have a load of fun, Glicious; play with pattern and movement, is2012, Pokeybagel; capture what you are immediately responding to, EgyptUnveiled, The Doors, Sleepyhead .... and I could go on.
What is really fascinating me at the moment is taking emotions and thoughts that are strong, and maybe abstract or at least hard to describe, and trying to express them visually.
This image is an attempt to convey what it feels like when that dark night of the soul comes in the form of depression. You feel isolated, without significance and alone. The sense of being smothered is overwhelming. Yet there a glimmers of relief that help you along till you step out from within that darkened place. And the senses and emotions when that happens!! .... well, still working on an image for that ... soon.
Used ND6 and ND9 graduated neutral density filters to hold back the candle. I did this because I was using a long exposure and a dim torch to 'paint' some light on the lower right of the fencing mask face. Setup here.
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